Masking and clipping textures in Unity 5.4, NGUI 3.9.8

Two and a half years ago I made which in the mean time has broken in various ways. Ankh, in the comments, was kind enough to remind me to do something about that, so here is a new version that works in the newest versions of Unity3D and NGUI. Shader “Custom/MaskClipShader 1” { Properties { […]

Masking and clipping textures using shaders in NGUI

A question that showed up on Tasharen’s forum, where I happen to be a moderator, was this one: (..) I have a panel that’s draggable and clipped, which displays a list of GameObjects, each one composed of usernames, avatars, and some other text. The avatars are not square, they have an hexagonal mask. To achieve […]